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What’s the biggest challenge? 

For me, it’s finding the right time to create with a minimum of distractions and interference. This is often the most difficult part of the process because I tend to work in an uninterrupted way. I’ve learned to prepare as much as I can beforehand so that proper conditions are maintained while I’m working. There is nothing more frustrating to me than a distraction. When the butterfly is on my shoulder, I want to keep it there as long as possible.


What’s the most necessary thing in your studio? 

Probably my stereo and a stack of CD’s. An adequate supply of food and refreshment are also important. I hate to stop and make a meal or run out for something when I’m in the middle of a project.


What’s the most controversial thing in your studio? 

Probably the opaque projector and the airbrush. But they’re just tools and I don’t let them become the art, only a means to it. I'm an old school artist and I still scale my work up from a small drawing to a large canvas and I still blend paint with traditional brushes. I try not to rely on those other tools because in the end it's my conscience I have to answer to.


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