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Who buys your work? 

I’d like to think of the people who end up with my art as unique individuals who are maybe a little more progressive. They tend to be intellectuals who can appreciate, afford and incorporate these things into their lives.


How do you sell your work? 

The same way I always have, through networks. I believe in building relationships without being attached to outcomes. I sell my work to and through the same people I’d want to share a meal with and bring into my own home…people who are authentic. When someone sees and appreciates my work and is in a position to buy, then the rest just seems to fall into place.


How do you price your work? 

Because I’m not a prolific painter, I have to consider my personal investment involved in creating each piece. There is a tremendous amount of preliminary work and research that happens before the paint hits the canvas. As a former commercial artist I understand the value of my time and the cost of my overhead. I look at all of this and as a result, my originals are typically priced beyond the reach of the average consumer. Those who do end up with my art tend to understand and appreciate this.


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